Saturday, June 7, 2014

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

8755785In this dazzling and long-awaited conclusion to the acclaimed Mortal Instruments series, Clary and her friends fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary's own brother.

Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures out of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell.

The embattled Shadowhunters withdraw to Idris - but not even the famed demon towers of Alicante can keep Sebastian at bay. And with the Nephilim trapped in Idris, who will guard the world against demons?

When one of the greatest betrayals the Nephilim have ever known is revealed, Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec must flee - even if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms, where no Shadowhunter has set foot before, and from which no human being has ever returned...

Love will be sacrificed and lives lost in the terrible battle for the fate of the word in the thrilling final installment of the classic urban fantasy series The Mortal Instruments!

This was probably my most anticipated book of 2014, and I will admit that going into it, I was nervous. The final installment of a series that I have loved - will it be a let down, or fly high beyond my expectations? I'm really pleased to say that it was more breathtaking than I could have ever imagined, and yes, I did cry.

Cassandra Clare's writing has really flourished with this book. The way she manipulates words is beautiful and can clearly help her readers vividly picture everything that is going on. If you read all of her books consecutively, you can see what I mean when I say that her writing keeps getting better with every book she writes.

I also thought that she wrapped up everything nicely. The TMI series has a lot going on, but she managed to answer all questions I had, at least, and I had a good sense of closure as to how this series has ended.

I seriously am so enthralled with the Shadowhunter world. I got to see a lot more of it in this book, especially the political side, and we also got more of a glimpse into the political side of Downworlders as well. There is just so much information that Clare manages to pack into the pages of her Shadowhunter books, and yet you are never really confused because it all ends up explaining itself. I would love to be able to visit this fictional world (except only for a day, because I'd probably die via demon) just to stroll around Idris or talk to members of the Clave to get more inside of their heads.

Characters! I loved nearly every character in this book (even the ones I hated - because, you know, I love to hate them!), and watching them in this novel after reading five others about them showed how they grew and developed and ALL OF THE FEELINGS WERE FELT. ALL OF THEM.

My favorite characters coming out of this book were definitely Simon, Isabelle, Magnus, and, of course, Brother Zachariah. Other characters who I really liked were Emma Carstairs and the entire Blackthorn family, especially Julian! This book was a great way to introduce the characters for Clare's The Dark Artifices  , and I believe the first book in this new Shadowhunter series comes out sometime next year. Clare has a way of allowing these characters to weasel their way into your heart, and Emma Carstairs is definitely one of those characters I can't wait to read more of.

The ending made me cry to the point where I had to put down the book and I kept saying, "I can't read anymore. How could she do this?!" I'm not going to spoil anything, but I was literally so beside myself about one thing that happened that I just sat in my bedroom and cried. However, I did get the courage to finish the book, and it ended with me crying happy tears, if that makes any of you who haven't read the book feel better!

There's not really much else I can say without spoiling the book, so what I will tell you is that the series is so worth it, even if it's just for this book. The series does take a little bit of getting into, but by City of Glass you'll be wanting to read more and this final installment will blow you away, trust me.

Rating - 5/5 Stars

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi


Juliette hasn’t touched anyone in exactly 264 days.

The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette’s touch is fatal. As long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don’t fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color.

The Reestablishment said their way was the only way to fix things, so they threw Juliette in a cell. Now so many people are dead that the survivors are whispering war – and The Reestablishment has changed its mind. Maybe Juliette is more than a tortured soul stuffed into a poisonous body. Maybe she’s exactly what they need right now.

Juliette has to make a choice: Be a weapon. Or be a warrior.

Oh , man, did I have high expectations for this book. Literally, I felt like everyone and their mother had read it and loved it so when my lovely friend sent me a copy I couldn't wait to delve in. And let me tell you, I was not disappointed.

In the beginning, I thought things moved a little too slow for my liking. Juliette had a tendency to be incredibly frustrating and very "woe is me" but after I pushed through in the beginning I liked her quite a lot! The whole novel really picked up once Juliette and Adam broke out of where Warner had been keeping them, and the action got SUPER INTENSE.

I thought the action sequences and things to that nature were great. Juliette, while coming off as a weak character at first, really begins to shine through when she begins to trust herself more and listen to herself. I also thought the world was terrifying, but it an excellent way - I mean, birds don't fly anymore? The sky falls down every day? Terrifying - but the perfect backdrop for this dystopian story.

I have mixed feelings about Adam. I mean, I like him a lot right now, but I can't help but feel like he's going to do something that's going to make me hate him. The relationship he has with Juliette - while adorable at times - gave me that insta-love sort of feel, thought admittedly it does make sense in the context of it all.

Warner, on the other hand....I hate him. I feel like there is absolutely nothing he can do to redeem himself, and I'm confused as to why everyone is on "Team Warner". Like, hello! He's a creep and completely evil! I'm guessing that the more I read into this series I'll see why everyone likes him, but honestly right now I'm really not seeing him as a potential love interest for Juliette.

I thought this book did lack humor until Kenji arrived, and he was just what I needed to see from this book! I also thought the little twist with him was a nice surprise, and how the whole twist with him was part of an ending that made my jaw drop because it really was not what I was expecting!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I still have so many questions that need to be answered and a lot more I want to see from this story, so I'm excited to pick up Unravel Me next!

Rating - 4.5/5 Stars